Chemistry Resources For The Secondary Education Teacher On The WWW
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Elemental Mercury Collection and Reclamation Program
"Since January of 1998, Bowling Green State University (BGSU) in conjunction with Rader Environmental Services, Inc (RES), the Ohio EPA (Northwest and Southwest District Offices - Division of Emergency and Remedial Response), Toledo Environmental Services, and other governmental agencies, have conducted an elemental mercury collection and reclamation program. The program is designed to remove sources of non-contaminated elemental mercury (thermometers, thermostats, and other mercury-containing devices) from residents, academic institutions, health care facilities, businesses, and other locations where elemental mercury might be found. The program is free of charge."
Ohio Chemistry Technology Council
The Ohio Chemistry Technology Council provides many services, among which is community outreach including COSI on Wheels, and Teachers, Industry, and Environment Conference (TIE).
Ohio Department of Education
Ohio Oil & Gas Energy Education Program
The Ohio Oil and Gas Energy Education Program (OOGEEP) is a non-profit educational program that was established through Ohio legislation and is funded by Ohio�s oil and gas producers and royalty owners through a voluntary assessment on the production of all crude oil and natural gas produced in Ohio. One of the missions of the program is to facilitate educational programs for the oil and gas industry, and to encourage oil and gas education curriculum in classrooms. They are very willing to work with teachers, and offer many resources for use in the classroom!
The SCIENCED Listserv was established a number of years ago in southwest Ohio through the Hamilton/Clermont Cooperative Association of Boards of Education (H/CCA). HCCA has agreed to open the listserv to interested science educators throughout the state. Information on how to join the listserv is contained in the document linked to this entry.
Science Education Council of Ohio
The Science Education Council of Ohio (SECO) is the Ohio affiliate of the National Science Teachers Association. "SECO seeks to provide science educators curriculum ideas, motivation and encouragement as they aspire to teach the children of Ohio the joy of investigating the world around them."