Chemistry Resources For The Secondary Education Teacher On The WWW
New links added throughout each month will be denoted by the symbol.
Links which are especially noteworthy will be denoted by the symbol.
Links which are on the verge of being deleted will be denoted by the symbol.
(All links to external sites will open in a separate browser window)
"This site is designed to help UK students over some of the more worrying parts of the A' level
syllabuses, but should be useful if you are at the beginning of any similar advanced Chemistry
course. It concentrates on the bits that textbooks tend to do too quickly and that students often
find difficulty with."
Creative Chemistry
This site is suitable for teachers and anyone else interested in chemistry. "There are full-colour worksheets
and teaching notes for fun activities suitable for a chemistry club, and around two hundred pages of question
sheets and practical guides for GCSE Chemistry (ages 14-16) and AS Level Chemistry (ages 16-18)." In addition,
it contains "chemistry puzzles, interactive revision quizzes, molecular models, and the Sc1 Tune-up Garage to
help improve your GCSE science investigations." To view the worksheets you need the free Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Doc Brown's Chemistry Clinic
This site was designed to be a general help and revision site for 14-19 year old GCSE chemistry
students in England. The main features of the site are the notes and online quizzes/tests
(instant feedback after each question).
My New School
This chemistry page includes a bit of everything for the chemistry student, including a few chem movies
and revision quizzes.
Project GCSE
The Chemistry section of this web site covers a variety of topics which are all important for the GCSE
Chemistry exam.
School Chemistry
School Chemistry is a comprehensive site of over 400 pages developed for the UK General Certificate
of Secondary Education (GCSE) examinations. It has a rather interesting layout because the site is
centered around an alphabetical index page. An American English version is also available.