Chemistry Resources For The Secondary Education Teacher On The WWW
New links added throughout each month will be denoted by the symbol.
Links which are especially noteworthy will be denoted by the symbol.
Links which are on the verge of being deleted will be denoted by the symbol.
(All links to external sites will open in a separate browser window)
Academic Press
Dictionary of Science and Technology
Harcourt and Academic Press have put on the internet "the largest scientific
dictionary ever compiled in the English language."
Engineers Week
This site focuses on engineering as a career and National Engineers Week (held
each year in February).
The Exploratorium
This site contains online exhibits, activities, news, and links to many science
(and some chemistry) sites on the WWW. They also feature ten "cool" science,
art, and education sites each month.
Frank Potter's Science Gems
An extensive source of science resources on the internet.
A free, publicly available website devoted to math and science education. "The
idea for Getsmarter.org came from Al Berkeley, Vice-Chairman of The Nasdaq Stock
Market. The goal, which has been realized on this web site, was to give K-12
students a voluntary, no-risk opportunity to assess their own academic achievement,
compare themselves to students around the world and enhance their learning."
Solar panels
A site explaining the types of solar panels and how they work.
The Mad Scientist Network
The MSN is a collective group of scientists from around the world which fields
questions in different areas of science. But there's much more here than this.
A few examples are the Random Knowledge Generator or the Edible/Inedible Experiments
Science Education Standards
Several science teaching and scientific organizations asked the National Research
Council in 1991 to coordinate the development of national standards for improving
the science education of the nation's youth. The National Research Council,
which coordinated the development of the standards, distributed for public comment
40,000 copies of a draft to thousands of individuals and hundreds of groups.
The resulting document - the National Science Education Standards - represents
wide agreement about what is important in science education. This site provides
the latest information on these standards. (You can read the book online for
Bill Nye the Science Guy
The official site for Bill Nye's television show. Has some useful information
and resources including printable activities related to his TV programs. (Read
the tragic
news about Bill Nye!)
Reeko's Mad Scientist
Reeko's Mad Scientist Lab leans mainly towards the chemical sciences, but does
contain some other science material. This site has many lab activities and experiments
for youger scientists, but also contains book reviews, science links, puzzles,
riddles, weird science questions, and more.
Science Across the World
SAW is a global project that enables science students from around the world
to study global science issues together.
The Sciences Explorer
This site provides a wonderful starting place for any major field of science.
They have innovative activities, experiments, various tours, "factoids", crossword
puzzles, related links, and more.
Science Service Science
Training Programs
The Science Service Science Training Programs directory "is the only comprehensive
catalog of science, mathematics and engineering enrichment programs for pre-college
students (from kindergarten to high school) and teachers." These enrichment
programs cover a wide variety of scientific disciplines, and are available throughout
the United States at a variety of institutions - predominately colleges and
The Why Files
The Why Files consists of alternating weekly features that explore the science
in the developments that make the news headlines. U.S News & World Report wrote
this about the site: "Clear, fun explanations of the science behind the headlines."
Features are cataloged in an easily searchable archive and are regularly updated
to keep pace with new developments in science. The site also offers a Cool Science
Image feature and gallery with pictures obtained from the front lines of science,
images infrequently or rarely seen in traditional popular media such as newspapers
and television. Their boundaries are broad -- from outer space to cellular biology,
from dinosaurs and dragon lizards to the statistics of political polling. To
help teachers integrate the content into lesson plans and curricula geared to
the National Science Education Standards, they have linked their content to
specific standards. "Using news and current events as a springboard to explore
science and the larger issues it raises, we hope to show science as a human
enterprise and a way of looking at the world."