Chemistry Resources For The Secondary Education Teacher On The WWW
3D Periodic Table (requires the Cortona VRML plug-in from ParallelGraphics) (ParallelGraphics)
3D Periodic Table of Radii (requires the Chime plug-in or RasMol to use) (Washington State University)
ACS Interactive Periodic Table (requires the Shockwave plug-in to view)
Read about the ACS Interactive Periodic Table
AEE Periodic Table
Chemical Elements.com - An Online, Interactive Periodic Table of the Elements
Chemicool Periodic Table
Chemistry Functions - Periodic Table (Stanford University)
CHEMystery: The Periodic Table of the Elements (ThinkQuest)
A Comic Book Periodic Table (University of Kentucky)
Corrosionsource.com - Periodic Table
The Cyber-rific Periodic Table of the Elements (Bayer)
Dartmouth College Periodic Puzzle
David's Whizzy Periodic Table (University of Colorado)
Doctor Rob's Periodic Table (Robertson Research International Limited)
Electron Configurations in the Periodic Table (CSU Fresno)
Electronic Periodic Table of Cary Academy
Elemental Spectra (University of Oregon)
Environmental Yellow Pages - The Periodic Table of the Elements
Eric and Neal's Periodic Table of the Elements (ThinkQuest)
Erik's Chemistry: Periodic Table
Extended Periodic Table
HyperChemistry on the Web - The Periodic Table (ThinkQuest)
The Internet Musical Periodic Table
It's Elemental (Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)
It's Elemental (Chemical & Engineering News Magazine)
JavaScript Periodic Table of the Elements
MIT 3.091 Periodic Table of the Elements (MIT)
Mokeur's Interactive Periodic Tables of the Elements (several languages)
NIST Physics Laboratory Elemental Data (National Institute of Standards and Technology)
OxyChem Periodic Table of the Elements (Occidental Chemical Corporation)
Periodensystem der Elemente (German)
Periodic Chart
Periodic Elements
Periodic Table (requires a VRML plug-in like Cosmo Player)
Periodic Table (Java)
Periodic Table (Florida State University)
Periodic Table (ThinkQuest)
Periodic Table (Schoolchem.com)
Periodic Table
Periodic Table 1.0 (Java)
Periodic Table Applet (VisualEntities)
Periodic Table Drill
Periodic Table Element Selector (Resource-World.Net)
Periodic Table of Elements (University of British Columbia)
Periodic Table of Elements (Physlink.com)
Periodic Table of Elements
Periodic Table of Elements (Science Lab.com)
Periodic Table of the Elements (University of British Columbia)
Periodic Table Of the Elements
Periodic Table of the Elements (University of Akron)
Periodic Table of the Elements (University of Akron)
Periodic Table Of the Elements
Periodic Table Of the Elements (JavaScript)
Periodic Table of the Elements (ThinkQuest)
Periodic Table of the Elements (ChemGlobe)
Periodic Table of the Elements (National Research Council, Canada)
A Periodic Table of the Elements at Los Alamos National Laboratory
Periodic Table with Electronegativities
Periodic Table with Oxidation Numbers
The Periodic Table (College of William & Mary)
The Periodic Table (Crescent Chemical Company, Inc.)
The Periodic Table Challenge (Interactive Learning Paradigms Inc.)
The Periodic Table of the Elements
The Periodic Table of the Elements (Japanese)
The Periodic Table of the Elements
The Periodic Table of the Elements by The Chemistry Consortium (ThinkQuest)
Periodic Table of Haiku (iSciFiStory.com)
Periodic Table of the Isotopes (Berkeley National Laboratory)
Periodic Table Puzzle
Periodick� soustava prvk� (Czech)
The Pictorial Periodic Table
Popup Periodic Table (Frostburg State University)
Pyrotechnics: It's Elemental (NOVA)
Reeko's Periodic Table of the Elements
Rutherford - Lexikon der Elemente (German)
The Sciences Explorer - The Periodic Table of the Elements (ThinkQuest)
SIS Mass Spec Tools (Isotopic Abundances of the Elements)
Spectrum Laboratories Periodic Table
Steve Marsden's Chemistry Home Page: Elements
Tavola periodica degli elementi (Italian)
UT-Austin Department of Chemistry/Biochemistry Interactive Periodic Table (University of Texas at Austin)
A Visual Interpretation of The Table of Elements
WebElements (the first periodic table on the WWW)
Why Every English Classroom Should Have a Periodic Table?
Yogi's Behemoth Periodic Table of Elements
Yogi's Behemoth Periodic Table of Elements
Acrobat Periodic Table
This is a simple, single sheet periodic table which contains the symbol, name and atomic mass of each element. It is provided in
Adobe Acrobat PDF format, and is available for downloading, viewing, and/or printing. It requires version 3.0 or greater of the
free Adobe Acrobat Reader.
Albemarle Corporation Periodic Table Screen Saver
Albemarle Corporation distributes a custom animation screen saver in special packaging to their industrial customers and makes it available for
downloading also. It's FREE.
The Atomic Mac and The Atomic PC
The Atomic Mac is an award winning periodic table of the elements program for the Mac (or the PC). They make a very
strong claim: "No other periodic table of the elements has more data than The Atomic Mac/PC." The list of information
displayed for each element is impressive. A molecular weight calculator is included in the software package.
An evaluation copy is available for downloading and will allow you to view data from some of the elements. The
registration cost is $25.
BCIT Chemistry Resource Center
The BCIT Chemistry Resource Center is a wonderful online resource for chemistry which includes descriptions (and pictures) of
more than 100 elements of the periodic table. There is also a periodic table quiz and a crossword puzzle based upon the
Chemical Elements and their Symbols
This page provides links to a series of four games designed to help students learn the chemical elements and their symbols. They require a
Java-enabled web browser. These games are part of the Quia collection of personalized learning games.
Chemistrydata.com is a quick reference for chemistry students offering periodic tables, and other information
about the elements.
Element Games
This page provides links to many games designed around the periodic table of the elements. Some of the games are internet-based
while others are paper-based (with downloadable files). The internet-based games require a JavaScript-enabled web browser.
These games are hosted by the Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility (Jefferson Lab). NOTE: Some of the internet-based
games can be customized, and others will give the student an option allowing them to find out why their incorrect answers were
Elemental Spectra
This JAVA applet (a part of the Virtual Laboratory at the University of
Oregon) displays the periodic table of the elements. Clicking on an element will display its line spectrum (emission or absorption).
"The Elements" by Tom Lehrer
- "The Elements"
An MP3 version of the classic recording by Tom Lehrer. From the Jesuit High School Chemistry web site.
http://www.jesuitnola.org/upload/clark/images/elements.mp3 - "The Elements"
This page displays the lyrics to "The Elements" by Tom Lehrer and includes a QuickTime sound file of a recording of this song performed by Mr. Lehrer for an audience.
http://chemlab.pc.maricopa.edu/periodic/lyrics.html - "The Elements"
This page displays the lyrics to "The Elements" by Tom Lehrer and includes a WAV sound file of a recording of this song performed by Mr. Lehrer for an audience. (The song plays through once when the page has finished loading.)
http://www.roomd116.com/element%20song.htm - "The Elements"
This page features a Flash animation for "The Elements" by Tom Lehrer. It includes the song as sung by Mr. Lehrer.
http://www.privatehand.com/flash/elements.html - The Elements Song
This page displays the lyrics to "The Elements" by Tom Lehrer.
Elementymology & Elements Multidict
This site presents information on the origin of the names of the chemical elements as well as a multilingual dictionary of element names in over 40 languages.
HRW Periodic Table
A link to a colorful, printable copy of the periodic table provided by Holt, Rinehart and Winston.
Requires the free Adobe Acrobat Reader to view and print. Note: This periodic table is as up to date as can be! HRW has removed elements 116 and 118 but included
a note about their discovery and subsequent retraction by the discovering scientists. While they
haven't placed 116 back on the table since its discovery by Russian scientists, it is up to date with
all official elements, including element 110 (Ds).
The Path to the Periodic Table
These pages are part of the Chemical Heritage Foundation web site. The CHF has published a book titled Chemical Achievers from which
this information has been taken. The book "was designed to help teachers supplement science curricula with human stories of discovery in the
chemical sciences." This link takes you to section four of the online version of the book where you will find out about nine people who were
responsible for helping develop the periodic table.
Periodic Law
This page gives a nice overview of the development of the periodic table, a tour of its geography, as well as an overview
of the trends found on the table. Concise and good for review.
Periodic Table
Periodic Table is a small periodic table of the elements program that displays the periodic table and gives basic
information about each group and element. Versions are available for Macintosh and PowerMacintosh or Windows 3.x
and 95. It requires 256 color display (it will not run with any other resolution). Periodic Table is FREEWARE!
Periodic Table
Periodic Table is an award winning periodic table of the elements program for the Macintosh which
provides a considerable amount of information for each element. It includes a molecular weight
calculator. A demonstration copy is available for downloading with a registration cost of $15
to unlock all the features.
The Periodic Table
This page contains Adobe Acrobat Files of the Periodic Table arranged in different formats.
These periodic tables are up to date and ready to be downloaded and/or printed out.
Periodic Table v2.5
This website contains a wealth of information (more than can be described here) about each element
including properties, occurence, discovery, and biological action. In addition you can view a
periodic table color coded by various categories. There is even a user defined list feature
(which inludes many physical properties), and a brief biography on many important scientists.
Periodic Table Bundle
A downloadable version of the periodic table. It runs on Macintosh computers.
Periodic Table of Elements
Schoolmasters Science is offering a downloadable periodic table program (the link is located near the bottom of their homepage).
This program runs on PCs and is FREEWARE!
Periodic Table of Elements
This site has alot to offer, including general and specific information about each element, isotopic data,
charts you can create with periodic trends, and a molecular mass calculator.
A Periodic Table of the Elements Meeting and Learning Website
At this site the authors intend to build a community of teachers, students, and professionals interested in advances to the periodic table
of the chemical elements which will make it easier to teach, learn and use.
The Periodic Table - 1923 & 1998
From the 75th anniversary edition of Chemical & Engineering News (C&EN) magazine, this is a nice article discussing how the periodic table changed
between 1923 and 1998.
The Periodic Table of Elements
This page is a part of the Visionlearning web site and is one of the modules in their chemistry library. It provides a very brief
overview of the development of the periodic table as well as a discussion of electron configuration and the periodic table.
Periodic TablETRIS
This exercise (or game, depending on your perspective) is designed to enhance your memory of the element position in
the periodic table. If you don't have the Shockwave plug-in needed to play this game
online, you can download the game as an executable file that will run on your computer. Based on the popular Tetris game.
Periodic Table Games
This game tests your knowledge of element location on the periodic table.
Periodic Table Quiz
This learning activity (game) is designed "to help chemistry students memorize
the locations of common elements within the periodic table." It requires the Macromedia Flash Player plug-in to play this game.
Physics 2000
The 'Science Trek' portion of this web site provides several interactive tutorials including one on the periodic table. It is
very well done. To get to the tutorials, click on 'Science Trek' from their home page. (From the University of Colorado)
Proton Don
Proton Don is a Funbrain periodic table game designed to help students
learn the element names and symbols, as well as their location on the periodic table.
Rob Orr
Rob Orr "offers innovative and exciting periodic tables of the elements suitable for any high school science class." (They even offer a periodic table for biology classes!) Their periodic tables are currently available from many of
the larger, more common supply companies.
Science Is Golden
This site promotes a Lewis octet valence electron dot folding periodic table of the elements created by the author.
Chemistry in Wash DC
"In a...contest, The Washington Post asked readers to dream up new elements for the Periodic Table." This page lists the best submissions.
The Periodic Table of Rejected Elements (The Atlantic Monthly)
(The following are listed in chronological order)
Read about the retraction of the discovery of element 118
Read about the naming of element 110