BS (Communications), MS (DSP), Ph.D (DSP), Assistant Professor of Electrical Engineering Technology.
* Ph.D in Electrical Engineering (DSP), University of Cincinnati,1992.
* MS in Electrical Engineering (DSP), University of Cincinnati, 1988.
* BS in Electrical Engineering (Communications), Northern Jiaotong University of China, 1982.
Teaching Experiences:
1995-1998: Associate Professor of Electrical Engineering Technology, DeVry Institute of Technology. Courses taught: Circuit Analysis, Electronic Circuits, Integrated Circuits, Linear Devices, 8086/8088 Microprocessors, Communications, Advanced C Programming, Microprocessor Peripherals, Digital Systems, C/C++ for Engineers and Scientists, Introduction to Computers, Windows NT.
1992-1995: Instructor of Cognitive Science, Rutgers University. Courses taught: Research Methods, Thinking and Problem Solving, Artificial Intelligence, Statistics, Memory and Attention, Perception, Psycholinguistics, Cognitive Psychology.
1993-1996: Adjunct Professor of Physics, Kean University of New Jersey. Courses taught: College Physics I and II. Physics Labs I and II.
1986-1991: Teaching Assistant of Electrical Engineering, University of Cincinnati. Assisted the professors teaching the following courses: Circuit Analysis, Micro-electronics, Digital Circuits and Systems, Signals and Systems, Digital Signal Processing, Microprocessors, Artificial Intelligence, Communications.
1982-1985: Instructor of Electrical Engineering, Northern Jiaotong University. Courses taught: Network Theory, Transmission Lines, Active Filter Design, Electronic Circuits, Linear Systems.
Computer Skills:
* Assembly languages: the 8086/8088, 8051, TMS320, 68HC11 microprocessors/microcontrollers.
* High-level Languanges: BASIC, FORTRAN, C, C++, VB.
* Operating Systems and Application Softwares: MS-DOS, Windows 3.11, Windows 95, Windows NT, MS Office 7.0, WordPerfect 7.0, FrontPage, SPSS, SAS, LabView, Electronic WB, MatLab, Borland/Turbo C/C++, MASM, Franklin C51.
Research/Industrial Experiences:
1992-1995: Research Assistant in Cognitive Science, Rutgers University. Participated in several research projects in Cognitive Science/Artificial Intelligence. Focusing on qualitative and quantitative representations, analyses, and simulations of perceptual and cognitive processes. Discovered the Continuity-discontinuity Principle of human dynamic representations and a mathematical model for dynamic information representation in a knowledge-based system.
1986-1992: Research Assistant in Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Cincinnati. Participated in a number of research projects in Spectrum Estimation, Adaptive Signal Processing, Adaptive Control, System Identification, and Optimal Filtering; specialized in both FIR and IIR adaptive algorithm development and simulation, adaptive filter structure and algorithm analysis, lattice realization of multidimensional spectrum estimation algorithms, and implementation IIR adaptive algorithms for active (adaptive) noise cancellation, etc..
1988-1990: Part-time DSP Design Engineer, ASP Technology. Designed and implemented both FIR and IIR adaptive filtering algorithms on the TMS320C25 and TMS320C30. Particularly focused on the high performance lattice filter structures at different stages of system development. Simulated most of the popular adaptive algorithms in C and implemented FTF, SHARF, LMS, LSL on the TMS320C30.
1982-1985: Research Associate in Electrical Engineering, Northern Jiaotong University. Designed a number of active filters and also did theoretical research in Switched Capacitor Circuits and Network Analysis.
Achievements and Awards:
* Discoverer of the Lattice SHARF, a highly efficient adaptive IIR filtering algorithm for Data Communication and Control.
* Four University Fellowship Awards, University of Cincinnati, 1986, 1987, 1988, 1990.
* First Place in the Ph.D Qualifying Exam at the University of Cincinnati, 1987.
* Best Researcher Award, Northern Jiaotong University of China, 1985.
* K. X. Miao (to appear in 1998). Programming the Intel 8051/151/251 Microcontrollers in C, Prentice Hall.
* K. X. Miao and J. Stewart (to appear in 1998). The 8051 Microcontroller: Hardware, Software, and Interfacing, Prentice Hall.
* K. X. Miao (1996). Force, Information, and Cognitive Principles of Dynamic Representations, Alpha Academic Press.
* K. X. Miao, H. Fan, and M. Doroslovacki (1994). Cascade normalized lattice adaptive IIR filters, IEEE Trans. on Signal Processing.
* K. X. Miao (1994). Mathematics Review. NJ: REA.
* K. X. Miao (1992). Development of Cascade Lattice IIR Adaptive Filtering Algorithms. Ph.D Dissertation, University of Cincinnati.
* K. X. Miao and H. Fan (1992). Normalized Lattice IIR Algorithms, IEEE International Proc. ASSP.
* K. X. Miao and H. Fan (1990). Transforming SHARF etc. into Lattice, Proc. IEEE International Symposium Circuits and Systems, pp. 796-800.
* K. X. Miao and H. Fan (1991). BIBO Stability of the Feedback Normalized Lattice, IEEE Proc. Decision and Control.
* K. X. Miao and H. Fan (1989). Adaptive IIR filters based on data correlations, IEEE Proc. of Asiloma Conference on Signal Processing and Control.