Topics to include are suggested in the article Hazardous Chemical Removal from Schools.
I obtained copyright permission to reproduce these articles for those who attended the Safety Seminar.
Unfortunately the following issue was published after our Safety Seminars but we plan to use it in the yearly updates.
The entire September 1999 Issue of The Science Teacher
Clifford L. Schrader
Program Manager
Making Schools Safer Science Teacher Ref.
Dougan, David, 1994, Avoid Common Laboratory Safety Risks, The Science Teacher, November.
Duff, Larry, 1996, Where and Why Science Accidents Occur, Flinn Scientific Chemical Catalogue-Reference Manual, Batavia, Ill.
Gerlovich, Jack A., 1993, Some Safety Concerns In School Science Settings and Their Implications for Science Supervisors, The Science Educator, Spring.
Gerlovich, Jack A., 1997, Safety Standards, The Science Teacher, March.
Pauling, Linus, 1955, College Chemistry, Freeman
Roadruck, Michael D., 1993, Chemical Demonstrations, Journal of Chemical Education Volume 70, No. 12.
Schrader, Clifford L., 1994, Dangerous Demonstrations Done Safely, CHEM 13 NEWS, May.
Wilson, Bruce, 1996, Microscale Science, Carolina Tips, Carolina Biological Supply Company.
Young, Jay A., 1997, Chemical Safety Part I, The Science Teacher, March.
Carolina Biological Supply Company.
Young, Jay A., 1997, Chemical Safety Part II, The Science Teacher, April.
Clifford L. Schrader, Ph.D.