Subject: MOLE (Mole, Mass, Particles, Volume)
Mole, Mass, Particles, Volume (MOLE) is a simple program for the TI-83 and TI-83 Plus which converts between moles, mass (grams), particles, and volume (liters) for mole calculations. The program is menu driven and asks the user to select the units of the known value (convert from) and then the desired units (convert to). For some of the conversions the user is prompted to enter the molar mass of the substance.
The user is always taken back to the main menu after each conversion thus allowing one to either quit or proceed with another conversion. This program is useful for any situation where a quick check of a mole problem is necessary, such as to quickly complete calculations for making keys to tests, or for allowing students to check the accuracy of homework problems.
This program my be edited only for scientific purposes and may be distributed freely. I hope this program proves useful to you. If you have any comments or suggestions about it, please feel free to contact me.
Michael Geyer (m_geyer@thecatalyst.org)
Deer Park High School, Cincinnati, OH