Subject: Pow1erPoint Use In Chemistry Lectures (2)
I, too, use PowerPoint in my classroom, but use it as my primary source of visual data for my students. I decided upon utilizing PowerPoint for the display rather than overhead projectors, especially considering that I am left handed and my lack of experience with an overhead makes it extremely difficult for the students to read.
I have probably done a total of 40 slide shows between my two classes this year (I adhere to the NYS Regent's Curriculum), and have tried to adopt a couple of standards for them so that we can all work at a moderate pace. I use a 40 point font to make it clear on the 27" TV mounted in my classroom. I also try to maintain good contrasting colors, such as yellow on blue. I originally worked on them and used animations, however I found them to be excessively time consuming for myself while not all that beneficial to the students. The times I found them most beneficial was when I was slowly introducing a formula as the students worked to develop it (telling them about direct/inverse relationships and having them turn it into a formula). Also, to work out examples it's handy, but can be difficult to do if you wish to utilize the outline sheets that PowerPoint is capable of.
The powerpoint presentations are the best way for me to work with my students, because of all the benefits that they provide. For instance, I had a student out for a week who missed the notes.
I just printed off the outline page and they were all set.
- Chemical Equations [ view ]
- Hybridization [ view ]
- Kinetics and Equilibrium [ view ]
- Mathematics of Chemistry [ view ]
- Periodic Table I [ view ]
- Phase Change and Kinetic Theory [ view ]
- Phases of Matter [ view ]
- Specific Heat [ view ]
- NOTE: to view the PowerPoint files requires the Microsoft PowerPoint Animation Player
Christopher Filkins (christopher_filkins@hs.crcs.wnyric.org)
Cuba-Rushford Central High School, Cuba, NY