Many of you have probably created excellent lessons, activities, or laboratory exercises for your students that may benefit other teachers and students. Maybe you developed a new idea or modified an existing one, and have no means for making it available to other chemistry teachers on the web. If you submit original work to The Catalyst, it will be made available to the widest possible audience and you will retain full credit. Remember, by sharing ideas and helping one another we can make chemistry education better.
This page presents the creative effort of fellow teachers who have submitted their work to The Catalyst for you to use. The lessons, activities, laboratory exercises, and ideas posted on this page are not the intellectual property of The Catalyst.
If you have any questions concerning a particular listing please contact the creator of that listing, as posted at the bottom of the respective page. Thanks to those of you who have taken the time to create these activities and submit them for the rest of us to use!
NOTE: Teachers, email your ORIGINAL chemistry worksheets to The Catalyst! We are in the process of collecting as many original worksheets as we can. They will be sorted by topic, and posted on a page listed below, where you will be able to print them out for immediate use. The only requirement is that they be original (created by you). The preferred file format is Adobe PDF. We will accept Microsoft Word, Works, or compatible files (we'll take care of converting to the PDF format if you can't). As always you will get credit for your shared worksheet(s). If you have any questions please feel free to email them in. This is your opportunity to help out a new chemistry teacher, or even breathe new life into your worksheet collection.
- Avogadro's Number
- Avogadro's Number (2)
- Chemistry Review Game
- HyperStudio Use In Chemistry
- PowerPoint Use In Chemistry Lectures
- PowerPoint Use In Chemistry Lectures (2)
- Spreadsheet Calculations Of %C In Aliphatic Compounds
- Stoichiometry Spreadsheet
- Bunsen Burner Cool Zone
- Bunsen Burner Cool Zone (2)
- CD Burner
- A Halloween Story
- Liquid 2 Solid Mercury
- Avogadro's Number Activity
- Hard Water Lab Activity
- How Big Is That Atom Anyway?
- Lab Practical On Types Of Reactions
- Periodic Table Trends
- Chemistry Cruncher
- Chemistry Worksheets
- Common Ions Table
- Electron Configurations
- Mole Road
- Stoichiometry Flow Chart
- Stoichiometry Skeletons